- Adding history to header
- Adding history file
- small fixes in yaml_101 post
- Removing author variable from defaults
- Adding listing of header pages
- adding seo tag plugin
- Author metadata
- Changing newlines in description
- Changing date format
- Moving 404.html to root directory
- Removing unused assets
- Adding lock
- Removing troublesome Gamefile
- removing troublesome plugins
- update
- update
- publication of
- Downgrade to jekyll 3.9 due to compatibility with gh pages
- Merge branch ‘master’ into source
- Updating dependencies
- removing explicit stating of layout for draft
- Adding finished draft of yaml 101
- Adding jemoji for wel emoji support👍
- Adding jekyll cache to gitignore
- update of Jekyll and clean up of Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock update
- Moving excerpt to Front Matter
- Changing page description
- Adding plugins to Gemfile and config.yaml
- Moving first post to proper date
- Change of layout of about page
- changes in config
- Changes in index site
- removing test age
- Adding jekkyl-feed to plugins in _config.yml
- Changing site title
- Resolving merge confict
- Update
- Merge pull request #2 from 1stDimension/dependabot/bundler/nokogiri-1.10.8
- Bump nokogiri from 1.10.4 to 1.10.8
- Removing defaults.html
- Adding default teame
- exclude all file matching 3_* from builing part of build
- Adding _pages as served content
- Adding script building and serving –drafts
- Moving HelloBloging.d to _pages
- Adding place holder post
- Moved to _pages
- Moving to _pages
- Adding empty ui-text.yaml with translations
- Addinng navigation file
- Adding new theme to Gemfile
- Update main.yml
- Create test.html
- Update
- Update
- Update main.yml
- Update main.yml
- Update Gemfile
- Update Gemfile
- Create label.yml
- Create greetings.yml
- Update main.yml
- Update main.yml
- Merge pull request #1 from 1stDimension/dependabot/bundler/rubyzip-2.2.0
- Bump rubyzip from 1.2.3 to 2.2.0
- hello actions
- Copying Layouts contents to default
- Dividing first post into paragraphs.
- Reworking directory hirarchy
- Working blog; First post -> Introduction
- Create
- Set theme jekyll-theme-hacker
- Dummy index.html file